We Can Move Mountains

by | Apr 28, 2020 | Prayer Alerts

While praying for friends recently, I saw in the spirit, a large dark mountain standing bold and imposing in front of them. Their two kids were with them and they all had instruments that looked like they came out of the toy box: tambourines, bells, whistles, drums, and flags. Instead of being afraid, they were singing and dancing. As they celebrated and danced, the mountain began to shrink.

According to Ecclesiastes 3, there is a time and season for everything. A time to live and die, to plant and reap, to kill and heal, to tear down and rebuild, to weep and laugh, to mourn and to DANCE. We have watched the pandemic kill, steal, and attempt to destroy our nation, and we have cried and mourned. But, now is the time to heal, rebuild, laugh, and dance!

This Mountain Shall be Removed!

Heavenly Father, we pray for those who have suffered great losses. May they be comforted. We call for an end to suffering and death and the beginning of healing and hope for a better future.

We declare that the coronavirus has lost this war. We announce to the seen and unseen realms that our great God is rising, and His enemies will be scattered. The gears that were moving toward destruction are reversing now. We are no longer heading towards the cliff. We are turning around and starting to rebuild. Our homes and families are safe, and our cities are recovering.

We call our church doors open again. May we emerge hungry for You Lord, willing to lay down our lives for Your people and Your Kingdom. Give us a desire to live pure, holy lives, without fear or offense. Empower us to be people of prayer who go out of our way to love the lost, minister healing and salvation, to be generous and faithful to those who depend upon us. We pray for unity and kindness among believers. May we be filled to overflowing with the greatest gifts of all – loving You with all our hearts and our neighbors as ourselves.

We pray for schools to open again, and to return to the basics of true education. Protect our children from ungodly teaching and evil agendas. Send Your servants into the classrooms and school boards and turn the hearts of the teachers and students toward You. Protect the schools from all harm, raise up watchmen to stand guard, and pray. Post angels at every entry point to safeguard and protect every life.

We bless our economy to recover fully and businesses to thrive and prosper. We pray for creative ideas and new enterprises to come forth in this new era. May your people enjoy the rewards of their labor and sleep well at night, knowing that you are blessing them and watching over the work of their hands. We bless the land to be fruitful and those who work the land to enjoy a rich and abundant harvest.

We pray that families emerge healthy and whole because of the time they spent together. We pray for safety and protection from sickness, fire, flood, wind, invasion, and theft. Lord, restore what has been lost, heal marriages, bring wayward children home, and reunite friendships. Bless the households of believers to be good stewards of your Kingdom with welcome mats and open doors for those who need Your love.

“This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the Lord of hosts. ‘Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of “Grace, grace to it!” Zechariah 4:6-7.

We pray all these things in the beautiful name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and for His glory, AMEN!

Dancing over mountains!
Judy Sullivan

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