The Main Event

by | May 6, 2020 | Prophetic Words

The Curtain is Getting Ready to go up on the Main Event!

The Lord told me a few weeks ago that He is rewriting destinies. There is an unfolding of destinies forGod’s people who have rightly discerned the time and place of their assignment; however, there is only a short window of opportunity to get in position before the music starts. As I pondered and prayed into this, I was reminded of a vision I had several years ago. I found it in my 2012 prayer journal and was amazed at some of the similarities we experienced while sheltering in place due to Covid-19.  It has helped me focus on the bigger picture. I pray it does the same for you.

November 24, 2012 – I dreamed that I was in a house that had several rooms. A number of intercessors started to show up and gather together in the different rooms to pray. Then a friend of mine and I received orders to go to Iran. I was hoping it would just be for a day or two, but it turned out to be for ten weeks. I was concerned because I only had one change of clothing in my suitcase and I didn’t have time to buy anything.

Then I was at the airport with my friend, running to the gate. He told me to stay and hold the gate open while he ran to the Governor (a picture of the Lord). There were masses of people trying to get to their destinations. The gate seemed very small while the opening was much wider, and I wondered why anyone would need to hold it open. People could easily get through, but I knew that it wouldn’t stay that way for long. I saw my friend calling out to the Governor, who stood taller than the masses of people that were near Him. He was appealing to the Governor for more time.

That afternoon while praying and seeking the Lord for more understanding, I had a startling vision. I could see the arms of the Conductor (somehow I knew it was the Lord) with His baton in hand poised and ready to conduct a highly anticipated musical masterpiece. During a momentary lull before the music began, there was a hush and calm over the world stadium as the last few people scurried to their places. The streets were completely empty after the last ones went indoors. I saw the Conductor tap the edge of the podium with His baton to get the attention of His musicians. I didn’t see the musicians, but I could hear and feel every beat and note that would be played. Then the downbeat came, and the 1812 Overturebegan with a massive display of fireworks, explosions, and eruptions, and a corresponding flurry of activity broke out across the continents. When the Conductor pointed His baton, fireworks erupted over a city in perfect timing with the crash of cymbals. It was a magnificent display that was being played out across all nations while concussions and volcanic eruptions danced in time to the music. 

While having this incredible vision, I felt I was seeing a glimpse of the awesome power of the Lord, as it will be seen in the last days. He was putting on a display beyond anything we have ever seen, awakening the world to His unrivaled authority, power, and beauty. He was announcing the arrival of His Son, Jesus, the Faithful and True Rider, who is coming to judge and make war. I sensed my Father in Heaven, saying, “The curtain is getting ready to go up on the main event.” 

“Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.” Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people.” Revelation 19:6-8

There is so much that can be unpacked from this revelation, but I will only mention a few points that seem relevant to us now.

The empty streets:  There has never been a time like this in history when the streets were practically empty while most of the world is under quarantine. The modern world has never been this quiet. It’s like the pause before the first downbeat. The Lord has our attention.

Fireworks, explosions, and volcanos represent revival, natural disasters, and war. In the middle of this pause, we stand at the brink of the greatest revival the world has ever known while the threat of conflict with Iran and other rogue nations hangs over us, and natural disasters increase.

The intercessors:  God is downloading assignments and strategies. The call to Iran symbolizes a call to the front lines of battle; to stand in the gap, appeal to the Lord for mercy, and more time. During this small window (the small gate) of opportunity, we must hold the gate open for a while longer so that everyone can get through. The door represents the invitation to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb because the Lord is calling His family to go out into the highways and byways to bring in the harvest. 

Ten weeks: A symbolic time period representing the number of perfection or completion of God’s divine order. It took ten plagues to free the Israelites from the grip of Pharaoh. Then the Lord gave them the Ten Commandments, all that was necessary to walk in union with God and man. It’s the perfect number and timing of the Lord to bring about His justice and redemption on the earth. 

Dressed and ready:  I’ve had many dreams in the last few months about being properly dressed and ready at all times. There is a very strong warning coming to the Bride of Christ right now to be clothed in fine linen, the righteous acts of God’s holy people (Rev. 19:8). It’s not about our outward appearances; it’s about being clothed in righteousness because the Lord is coming for His spotless Bride!

The coronavirus is losing its power over the nations, and the Lord is calling us to our new destinies. The world, as we know it, is changing, and things are going to be different. Allow the Lord to show you what’s next and find your place in His overall plan. He is tapping the podium with His baton and getting ready to reveal the main event!

“When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” Luke 21:28. 

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