Sardonic Laughter

by | Apr 26, 2019 | Prophetic Words

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand
in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers.”
(Psalm 1:1 NIV)

I typically get up early, anywhere from 3 to 6 AM and grab a cup of coffee to wake myself up. Then I find my favorite corner of the sofa, flip through YouTube channels to locate the perfect worship music, snuggle up with a blanket and my Bible and spend the morning talking to the Lord. On this particular morning, the word’ “sardonic” was coming up in my spirit. That was a new word to me, so I asked the Lord what it meant. Then I heard, “sardonic laughter” and the Lord spoke to me, “There is sardonic laughter coming from the demonic realm, and it is spilling over into the earth realm.” 

Like most of you in this hi-tech age, rather than turn to a dictionary I googled the word “sardonic” and learned that it means: bitter, scornful, mocking, or a person exhibiting bitterness, scorn or mockery. I wondered if the Lord was referring to the mockery broadcast across our nation through news outlets toward the President and other conservatives who are in the spotlight. While this is true and evidence of demonic mockery spilling into the earth, I realized the Lord was speaking to me about more than just fake news. I felt Him revealing something to many of the people we minister to in the marketplace.

New Advancements and Achievements!

The Lord continued to speak to my spirit concerning the voices that divert us from our callings, “Do not be dismayed or controlled by their mockery. This is meant to keep you from your assigned tasks. I am with you to do things differently than the world, and it will attract scorn from many in the church and the secular world. Stay true to your calling, and you will be able to reach more people and set them free from the demonic laughter that has held them captive.”

“I am already launching many into the great advancements they are marked for, but they will only go as far as they are willing to disengage from their need for approval or acceptance coming from the world and some churches. You are blazing a trail that will lead people to great advancements, new inventions, and achievements that I am releasing into the world now. These are mantles that must be picked up and worn without fear or shame. The enemy will try to put both fear and shame on my people by mocking and tormenting them. Do not listen or bow to the accusations.”

Corruption Revealed

In my role as a professional intercessor, I pray with many people in the marketplace. I have had the privilege of praying for businesses that are going through incredibly challenging times. In one situation our client hired a manager to oversee the business side of her practice so she could concentrate on her patients. But the manager turned out to be corrupt, and he schemed and diverted money into his own pockets. Our client was aware that something wasn’t right at the office and asked us to pray. We prayed that the Lord would reveal hidden things, and we watched in amazement as He exposed the depth of the corruption. Our client fired the dishonest manager, and lawyers stepped in to deal with the mess he left behind. Unpaid bills piled up, and banks called in their loans. In the resulting domino effect, fraudulent charges were filed against our client and news outlets published the accusations without further investigation. The court of public opinion jumped in treating her as guilty before being tried. Mockery spewed out like venom, but we interceded and believed that the Lord would protect and deliver her, and He did! One charge was dropped, and she was acquitted of the second charge. She refused to give up on her dreams, and the Lord rescued her. 

“Because heloves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him, I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.” (Psalm 91:14-15 NIV)

Buckle Up!
I heard in my spirit, “Buckle up and get ready to fly. Nothing will stop you as long as you keep your eyes on Me. You will do impossible things if you refuse to look at the circumstances and hold tight to Me. This is a time for skill and advancement. I have given those with great skills and understanding in their fields, great opportunities for advancement NOW!”  The word “NOW” was strongly emphasized by the Lord.

Then I had a vision of hands buckling up someone to the front of a rocket. It wasn’t just one buckle around the waist or over the shoulders like a seatbelt. I saw multiple belts being buckled to keep the person secure for a very wild ride – kind of like the cartoon where Wile E Coyote straps himself to a rocket so he can catch the roadrunner. That’s a little over the top, but you get the picture.

What If?

The thought occurred to me, what if our client had listened to the demonic lies and given up. I believe she would have lost her business and her license to practice medicine. Mocking spirits will make fun of our God-given identity and purpose in life to divert and distract us from our calling. But she believed the Lord called her to do something extraordinary and she picked up the mantle He was offering her. Her desire to help underprivileged children receive the care they need is still growing in her heart, and she is pursuing her dream. 

I believe this word is also for those who pray for the President and the righteous men and women in the political arena who are being mocked and scorned daily. Christians in the marketplace who stand for their faith and practice righteousness are also under the relentless firepower of the enemy trying to scorn people to shame. It’s critical that we pray for them but also help and encourage them, so they don’t get discouraged and give up.

My prayer for you:

Dear Lord, Silence the accuser and deliver your sons and daughters from the mocking words and accusations coming from the enemy’s camp. Fill them with courage so they will not back down, give up or bow to the enemy’s tactics. Surround them with wise counsel, praying saints and true friends to walk with them through this valley. I declare that they are safe and off the enemy’s radar and everyone they are connected to is under Your protective covering. I place a demand on every place where the enemy’s destructive force has left its mark to now become the bedding soil for double favor and blessing to be multiplied back to them. I pray that they receive all the benefits, favor, grace and honor and every good thing that has been stored up for them to advance their cause. I call the north, south, east and west to give up every resource necessary for them to prosper and succeed in their God-given destiny. In the all-powerful name of Jesus our Lord, AMEN!

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