Radical Prayer

by | Apr 26, 2019 | Blog Page

Jesus came into the world as a baby in a manger, a humble servant who didn’t seek fame or fortune, and wasn’t interested in popularity. But He changed the world with truth and love and a small army of 12 disciples. It started as a quiet invasion. When He taught His disciples to pray, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” He gave them the keys that would open our world to a heavenly invasion. Jesus left us a legacy of prayer that would change the course of history. We are learning that radical prayer, or what we refer to as intercession, can invade all the mountains of society and impact the greatest kingdoms of this world by turning away the advancing tide of evil.

Getting God’s Attention

Shortly before my husband died, we moved across the country to live in Washington DC. Since it was a new place, I didn’t have family, friends, or the activities I was used to when he passed away, so I spent a lot of time in my home, waiting on the Lord in worship and prayer. Reading His word, listening to His voice and learning the importance of obedience became my daily bread. In that secret place, the Lord healed my broken heart, set me free from self-centered thinking and worldly desires and answered my prayers. He only asked that I follow Him where He would send me and do what He asked me to do. Today, I know that He is with me to protect me from every adversary and all harm. Daily I’m reminded that it’s all about the Lord, and not about me. Even though I’m no more than an unassuming grandmother on the outside, I am convinced that when I pray, things change, angels are dispatched, and people are set free. Through prayer and intercession, I have the attention of my Father in Heaven and the host of angels assigned to carry out His answers.

Divine Intervention through Intercession

In my role as a business intercessor, occasionally I have the privilege of praying for businesses that are going through challenging times. One of our clients gave several of their top-level officers the authority to oversee and run their business for a season while they took time off to recover from a difficult year. But the people they trusted to run the company nearly ruined them. As their intercessor, I stood in the gap, cried for mercy, extended forgiveness to the ones who had betrayed them and prayed for protection and deliverance over the owners and the company.

There was a real possibility they would lose everything, but the Lord showed me in a vision that the destructive force sent from the enemy’s camp couldn’t touch them. We witnessed the Lord shaking things out like a dirty rug, exposing the depth of the corruption. Complicit managers were let go, and lawyers stepped in to deal with pending charges. Unpaid bills piled up, and banks called in their loans. But we interceded and believed that the Lord would protect and deliver them.

They had great favor with banks and loan officers. New hires with skill and integrity came onboard, and trust came back into the company. The sales department recovered, and now new contracts are starting to come in, and cash flow is increasing. We continue to praise and thank the Lord for His mercy and kindness. He listened to our radical prayers and disaster was averted.

Changing the Course of History

Intercession is a form of prayer that can change the course of history. God looks for champions to stand in the gap and confront the evil of the day (see Isaiah 59:16). Jesus was the ultimate answer to His search, and as intercessors who follow His example, we are called to be the champions who stand in the gap and ask for mercy when judgment is deserved. His mercy always triumphs over judgement. The Lord waits to work salvation through prayer and intercession.

Through prayer, we can intervene in the affairs of this world. God is still looking for intercessors to stand in the gap and turn back the tide of evil. Jesus left us a legacy of prayer that changed the course of history. We have the incredible privilege of carrying on that legacy when we stand in the gap and intercede on behalf of those the Lord sends us to. To learn more about what it means to be an intercessor, I recommend my book, World-Class Intercessors, Dawn of the Dread Champions.

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