Judy’s Blog

“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” (Proverbs 25:11).

Sing to the Mountain

  In 2009 I had three back-to-back dreams in one night about an exploding mountain. The dreams were so vivid that I still remember the details, but for some reason, I never thought of it as a volcano because the word mountain just seemed to fit.   The...

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Turnaround Time

2020 will go down in history as the year of the worldwide pandemic that shut down nations, crashed economies, and changed the way we live. We have been told to stay home if sick, not to gather in groups of more than ten, and to keep at least 6 feet apart....

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Radical Prayer

Jesus came into the world as a baby in a manger, a humble servant who didn’t seek fame or fortune, and wasn’t interested in popularity. But He changed the world with truth and love and a small army of 12 disciples. It started as a quiet invasion. When He taught His...

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Business His Way

Business His Way

For information about prayer empowerment for business owners, visit our website for marketplace leaders, https://businesshisway.biz