The Main Event

The Curtain is Getting Ready to go up on the Main Event! The Lord told me a few weeks ago that He is rewriting destinies. There is an unfolding of destinies forGod’s people who have rightly discerned the time and place of their assignment; however, there is only...

Destiny is Being Rewritten

A few weeks ago, I had a vision of a well-known prophet holding a menu. He was scratching off menu items, and rewriting them. I heard the Lord say, “Destiny is being rewritten.” He impressed on my heart at the time that our words and prayers can rewrite...

Sardonic Laughter

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers.” (Psalm 1:1 NIV) I typically get up early, anywhere from 3 to 6 AM and grab a cup of coffee to wake myself up. Then I find my favorite...

Unprecedented Grace

Several weeks ago, I heard the Lord say, “Know the times and seasons you are in.” I quickly responded, “What time and season are we in?” I then heard the Lord say, “A window of unprecedented grace.” I then heard, “This will be a sign for you, this year you will reap...

Marketplace Miracles

Miracles are taking place in the marketplace! God is not only changing the way Christian’s do business; He is changing our understanding of how to pray powerful, effective prayers on their behalf.  The Lord answers our prayers in a multitude of ways. Most of...

It’s Not Over Yet!

On the night of December 25th, just before going to bed I asked the Lord to give me a dream or word that would encourage my family. That night I had a strange but vivid dream about someone I knew years ago. She was young, beautiful, talented and very...