About The Prayer Embassy

God is waking up intercessors to release earth shattering prayers that can change the course of history. The Lord spoke a prophetic word to me several years ago that became the premise of my book World-Class Intercessors; Dawn of the Dread Champions, and the mission of The Prayer Embassy. The following paragraph was taken from, World-Class Intercessors; Dawn of the Dread Champions, by Judy Sullivan (2015):

“Get ready for I’m about to blow through ceilings and crash through doors and turn the enemy on his butt. I’m bringing you into high places that will defy all logic and shatter the mindsets of the skeptics. I’m making you into world-class intercessors for just these days. You will witness the changing of structures and weather patterns, kingdoms will rise and fall, presidents and world leaders will hear My Voice through you and respond. I’m removing the veil that has hidden you and bringing you to the top of the elevator where you will see and be seen. Fear not little ones, it is not because of you that I do this, it is because of the hour that is at hand that I am raising up world-class intercessors to stand in the gap and speak forth my prayers so that the world and its realm will obey My commands. Hang on, this is going to be a wild ride, it will defy your own logical sense of how things should be. Drop the religious spirit and hold onto your hats. You’re about to be shot out like cannons from your resting place.”

About Judy Sullivan

Judy has trained intercessors and led prayer efforts across the United States since the ‘80s. Her continuing focus is to raise up and equip prayer teams to shift the culture of the nation and make way for the end time harvest. She co-founded a ministry in the early ’80s and taught principles of spiritual warfare and pioneered prayer walking efforts. She and her late husband organized and led community-wide concerts of prayer, youth prayer breakfasts and early morning prayer watches which resulted in dramatic changes in their city and many people turning their hearts to the Lord.

While living in Washington DC, Judy founded The Prayer Embassy and helped lead many prayer efforts in the DC area. She worked with a team of intercessors providing onsite coverage for senators and congressmen, assisting visiting prayer teams, leading watch nights, and keeping vigil around the White House and Capitol. Judy also has a passion for the marketplace. In her role as Vice President of Sozo Services (link to Sozo Services website) and Director of Intercession, she has counseled and prayed with a wide variety of businesses including building contractors, electrical engineers, IT companies, manufacturers, political candidates and much more.

She is a gifted seer and moves comfortably in the prophetic gifts. She also has a depth of knowledge in all facets of prayer and intercession. This has enabled her to offer wise counsel from her years of experience with marketplace leaders with prophetic intercession that can break strongholds, uncover solutions to complex problems, avoid crises, and recover real purpose and identity.

Judy believes that God is sending His Josephs into the marketplace to interpret dreams and help businesses, ministries, and individuals prosper in these turbulent times. She is ordained through MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries. World-Class Intercessors; Dawn of the Dread Champions is her first book.

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Business His Way

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