A Prayer for President Trump

by | Apr 26, 2019 | Prayer Alerts

Lord God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, we come before you this day to pray for the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump. We ask for your blessing and favor to cover President Trump, his administration, staff, household and all who are under his authority.  Instruct him and teach him your ways, counsel him and watch over him. Surround him with your unfailing love and guide him as he makes decisions that affect our nation and the world. We pray that he will be a righteous leader who will direct the affairs of this nation with integrity and justice.  May his policies and decisions be wise and just so that he might treat all people with fairness and respect. Teach him to seek You daily and to hide Your word in his heart so that he does not sin against You. Guide his words to speak clearly, order his steps to walk uprightly, show him Your ways, to lead with wisdom. Open his ears to hear Your voice and teach him to walk humbly with God and man.

Preserve the well-being and safety of President Trump. Keep him mentally and physically healthy, strong and fit throughout his presidency. Protect him from violent, angry, depraved people who would scheme to cause him harm. We forbid assassination attempts against our president, his family, and his staff, declaring that they are hidden and safe from the enemy’s destructive plans. Disarm those who would seek to destroy him at any cost, whose malicious conspiracies promote death and destruction, turning people into blind enforcers of an unholy cause. We declare that no weapon formed against President Trump shall prosper.

Give President Trump wisdom to keep our nation safe and secure. Protect our borders, disrupt terrorist plots, deep state strategies, drug lords and cartel leaders and keep them from infiltrating our nation.  Overturn every hidden strategy devised to cause our nation harm. Deliver us from all works of evil and powers of darkness. We declare that every corrupt word or curse spoken against our president and this great nation is rendered powerless and cannot stand. We build a hedge of protection that cannot be penetrated around President Trump, his family, and all three branches of government and declare that the Blood of Jesus covers them, and they will rest in the safety and protection of our Lord and Savior.

We pray that President Trump will be a just leader for all people, that he will have the heart to care for all who are in need. May he champion the cause of the unborn, the poor, the innocent and the forgotten. Give him the courage to continue to stand with Israel and protect her from harm. May he continue to be a friend to Christians, a defender of the Constitution and a fierce opponent of unjust and unrighteous laws. Give him boldness to continue to pursue peace and prosperity for America so that we can be a light for all nations, sending help, hope, provision, and the Gospel wherever it is needed. Help him stay the course, fix his eyes on the goal of his high calling, run the race to win and finish strong. We pray all these things in the precious name of Jesus, AMEN!!

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