Destiny is Being Rewritten

A few weeks ago, I had a vision of a well-known prophet holding a menu. He was scratching off menu items, and rewriting them. I heard the Lord say, “Destiny is being rewritten.” He impressed on my heart at the time that our words and prayers can rewrite...

We Can Move Mountains

While praying for friends recently, I saw in the spirit, a large dark mountain standing bold and imposing in front of them. Their two kids were with them and they all had instruments that looked like they came out of the toy box: tambourines, bells, whistles, drums,...

How To Say No To the Coronavirus

Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,My friend Kathy Jamison sent this picture of her front door commemorating the first Passover and reminding us that it is the blood of Jesus that has the power to save, heal, deliver and protect God’s people. In...